
General Cardiology

Electrocardiogram (EKG OR ECG)

A non-invasive study that involves placement of electrode stickers on the chest.  A machine is then able to detect and record the electrical activity of the heart.

Holter Monitor

A non-invasive study that records the heart rhythm over time (maximum 48 hours). The Holter allows the doctor to examine the heart rhythm while you go about activities of daily living.

Echocardiogram (ECHO)

An ultrasound study of the heart. This study is ideal for evaluating the heart’s structure and function. In some cases, an intravenous line may be placed to administer a special contrast to improve visualization of the heart.

Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE)

This study requires placement of an intravenous line to administer sedation medications prior to the procedure. When the patient is adequately and safely sedated, a small ultrasound camera on the end of a thin, flexible probe is carefully passed into the esophagus. This type of ultrasound study allows for superior visualization of the heart’s structure and function.

Exercise Stress Test

A non-invasive study that allows your doctor to evaluate your heart’s response to exercise. This test involves the placement of electrode stickers on the chest and exercising on a treadmill.

Nuclear Stress Test

A nuclear stress test uses special cardiac imaging to evaluate your heart’s response to stress. The “stress” may be achieved with exercise or with the use of a medicine that mimics the effects of exercise on the heart. This study involves the placement of an intravenous line.nd even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Stress Echocardiogram

A stress echocardiogram is an ultrasound study of the heart that is performed while the heart is stressed. The “stress” may be achieved with exercise or with the use of a medicine that increases your heart rate. Depending on the stress method, this study may require the placement of an intravenous line.

Interventional Cardiology

Cardiac Catheterization

This study requires placement of an intravenous line to administer sedation medications prior to the procedure. When the patient is adequately and safely sedated, a small flexible catheter (hollow tube) is passed through an artery in your arm or leg to your heart. A special contrast dye is injected through the catheter, which allows for visualization of the arteries that supply the heart. This procedure also permits placement of cardiac stents if needed.

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement/Implantation (TAVR/TAVI)

TAVR/TAVI is performed by interventional cardiologists who have received specialized training in structural heart disease. This minimally-invasive procedure allows for placement of a new heart valve without removal of the diseased aortic valve.

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Peripheral vascular disease (PVD, also commonly called “Peripheral Arterial Disease”) is any disease or disorder of the circulatory system outside the heart. PVD is the most common disease of the arteries and is caused by atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. Atherosclerosis is the result of accumulation of fatty material inside the artery; it is a gradual process that, over time, causes the artery to become narrowed or weakened.

Ankle-brachial Index (ABI)

A non-invasive study that involves the measurement of blood pressures in the arm and leg. This test is used to determine if there is narrowing of the arteries in the legs.

Peripheral Angiogram

This study requires placement of an intravenous line to administer sedation medications prior to the procedure. When the patient is adequately and safely sedated, a small flexible catheter (hollow tube) is passed through an artery in the leg. A special contrast dye is injected through the catheter, which allows for visualization of the arteries that supply the legs.

Chronic Venous Disease

Chronic Venous disease is a progressive condition that is caused by the pooling of blood in the leg veins.  This pooling of blood is caused by abnormalities in the vein valves or wall.  Initial symptoms include “spider veins” or “varicose veins.”  If left untreated, leg swelling, skin discoloration and ulceration may develop.


700 Gardenview Court
Ste 204
Encinitas, CA 92024


P: (760) 452-6334
F: (760) 634-9755


M-F | 8:30a-4:00p


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